Dr. Bob’s Health Records
New Amsterdam Genomics Vascular Risks and Cleerly report
(CT Coronary Angiography with AI Interpretation)
Since we’re cutting to the chase in this approach, let’s go ahead and take a look at my coronary arteries after 57 years of exposure to significant genetic cardiovascular risk based on my New Amsterdam Genomics cardiovascular risk profile…
Dr. Bob has Clear Genetic Risk for Dementia, but doesn’t seem to Demonstrate Evidence at this point
Dementia. Most of us would rather die than get that. Cardiovascular disease risk is certainly our greatest chance of leaving the world, but dementia allows us to leave the world while we are still here. It’s a loss of self…
Dr. Bob’s Metabolic Health
Consider the following information. First, in the information below, I have shared my risks according to my genome of developing problems with my metabolic health. You will notice that the highest impact (the more closed the blue circle, the higher the impact of the genetic susceptibility) is a susceptibility to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is often termed the root cause of all metabolic dysfunction…